Outside Looking In

Ok, so I know many of you have that nice little window pane on the side of your front door.

I love that it lets the light in on nice days, but I don't like that people standing on your doorstep can see right in.  I wanted a solution to this problem.  I saw some nice window decals at Home Depot but I wasn't really liking any of the styles they had.

Searching through some blogs, I found that Thrifty Decor Chick used contact paper to frost her pantry door.  Interesting, I thought.  I went to search for frosted contact paper but came to find out it's actually clear when you're looking in the store.  Brought it home and applied it to the window.  I did like that it covered the window, but did not like that I couldn't see who was now standing outside my door.  All I could see was a shadow.  It was either this or go back to Home Depot to get the window decal application.  I didn't want to spend the money for something I wasn't in love with.  I had an idea.

I could create me own decal.  I searched for a stencil I could use to make my own design in the contact paper.  I ended up making my own stencil using diamonds.

I traced the diamond pattern on the window and started cutting out my stencil.  It was actually going pretty well until my husband made a comment that I may be cutting the window.  And yes he was right.  I pulled off a few pieces to see and sure enough you could see my etchings in the glass where I was tracing with a razor blade.  Ok so now what.  I still wanted my own design on the window.  I had to get creative.  I pulled off all the contact paper.  I used the same stencil but had to go another route.  I traced the template on the contact paper and cut out each diamond and applied them individually to the window.  It didn't take long once I started.  I must say I love how it turned out.  I now have a custom window decal.  

Linking to:

DIY Club


  1. great solution. i have a similar problem with my front door. i love all the light it lets in, so i haven't covered it yet, but this might be a good comprimise.

  2. That looks great! I have the same issue on my door!

  3. You don't know how timely this post is. I have a front door window and have the same issue trying to find window clings that I like (they are not cheap and I'm not spending a bunch of money on something I don't love). I'm totally trying this! Thanks!

  4. What a wonderful idea. I will considered this for my two windows by my front door. It looks great! Thank you for sharing. Wanda

  5. I did the same thing, but you went a step further and I love it!

  6. I just saw this on Under The Table and Dreaming and had to tell you what a wonderful job you did. It is classy looking and yet so functional. I pinned it on Pinterest :)

  7. We're in a rental that already has the frosted contact paper on the sidelights (we've got two), and I've been wondering how I could change it up some on the cheap . . . this is a fabulous idea! Thanks so much!

  8. I've been looking for something to cover my sliding glass doors in my apartment, and this is perfect!! Does it come off easily? I have a little less thank a year left on my lease, and when I leave I will need to remove it without any damages. Thanks!!!

  9. This is beautiful! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday.


  10. What a great idea! I have the same problem with a window on our front door..I love the natural light it lets end, but of course there is no privacy! I just may have to use this! Thanks! Your newest follwer!

  11. Great idea with terrific results! Thank you for linking this lovely post to Potpourri Friday. I always appreciate your participation!

  12. Thanks for the idea. I am planning to do the same in my door window but Home Depot decal is too expensive. I'll keep this in mind.

  13. what a great idea! i think i may try this on my kitchen cabinets

  14. Great idea - I have tried products like wall paper for windows to do this, but never contact paper - it looks great! Fun stencil too.


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