Mirrors At The Entry

The little wall when you walk into the house has always bugged me.  It's a small space but I still want something there so guests don't walk in to complete emptiness.

Back in the fall I made a piece of subway art to fill the space.  It had the color I was looking for but I was never really satisfied.

I was in Target one day and found this set of Threshold sunburst mirrors on sale.  I figured the front entry would be a good spot for them.

Here's how they look.


I think they're screaming for a coat of ORB spray paint.  They are blending into the wall as they are now.

I'm on the lookout for a small table or bench to go here as well.  It will balance out the bottom half better than the vase.  The vase will find a home somewhere else. 


Have you found anything from the Target Threshold line you had to bring home?



  1. I love those sunburst mirrors! I agree with your idea of using some ORB on them. That would really make them pop. Do you have a Kirkland's store near you? They have lots of little tables and benches that would look great in that spot. Enjoy your day!


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