Sweet Girl's Room: Inspiration

The next room on my To Do List is my daughter's room.  She just turned 3 so she's over the baby stage but not yet ready for big girl decor.  I want her room to be fun, colorful, and all about what she is.  She is such a free spirit and very independent.

Her favorite color is green so I think I'm going with that as the wall color.  I don't really want a theme but more incorporate items that reflect her personality.

Here are some photos I found while trying to get a direction.  I didn't write the source for them when I saved them so my apologies if you see a photo that is yours.

I love the contrast of green walls with white furniture and pops of color.

I love how these have trim and molding to keep the green from overpowering the space.  We'll see if the hubby's gonna help me with this one.


Her current room has no pink.  I tried to stay away from the traditional pastel pink for her nursery but I think we will be adding some small touches.  Lots of bright colors and pattern!!

I'll be starting some projects for her room this weekend.  I can't wait to share.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love the room with the picket fence...I haven' ever seen that idea...very cute:)

  2. Thanks for the nice comment on our blog!!

    Green is a great choice for a little girl's room! Love the inspiration photos!

  3. I thought about doing the picket fence thing for the bed. I don't think it'll work in Kate's room with the chair rail. I love all those pictures! So many choices!!!

  4. Love your blog:) I'm in the process of doing my daughters room.She is 6.
    Oh and I'm a new follower.


  5. I loved the decor of the rooms. Beautiful!


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