Paint Chip Easter Garland

What do you do with a stack of paint chips and a craft hungry 4 year old?  Make something of course.  This kid keeps my brain moving trying to come up with stuff for her to do.

This project was easy to do and my daughter enjoyed doing it.  I printed an egg shape and she traced it onto the back of the paint chips. This prevented any pencil lines on the front of your finished egss.  She cut out the eggs and taped them to a piece of ribbon.

It was hanging in the kitchen but she thinks it's perfect right on the mantle.


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My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia * Not Just a Housewife * A Bowl Full of Lemons * Crafty Confessions Domestically Speaking * Homework * Lolly Jane * New Nostalgia * Southern Lovely * Clean and Scentsible * Ginger Snap Crafts * House of Hepworths *


  1. Brilliant! I am always looking for simple crafts that the kiddos can help with, and this is perfect. I found you at Not JUST a Housewife-- thanks for sharing!

    ~Abby =)

  2. Such a fun idea! Very cheery.
    I'm visiting you today at Southern Lovely's Linky. I hope you can visit my blog and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206

  3. Very cute... An excuse to use those brightly colored paint chips. Thanks for sharing!

    A Tossed Salad Life


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