A Few Lights Won't Hurt

My daughter likes to ride through the neighborhood every.single.night on the way in to see all the neighbors' lights.  I wanted to give her something to look at too but I'm trying not to spend any more money on Christmas decor.   

I remembered as I was going through the bin of ornaments, there were a few strands of lights.  Didn't really think much of it then because I wasn't going to use them since the tree we have is pre-lit.  I could put these lights to use.  I knew hubby didn't want a bunch of outdoor Christmas lights so I figured he wouldn't mind a few.  I just used two strands of colored lights and attached them around the doorway.  Now I can say we had some lights.  Ha!



  1. aw! Your lights look so cute and I'm sure your daughter is very happy now to have some lights on her house. =)

  2. The lights certainly illuminates the doorway and the pretty door color..it is a great idea.


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