Swap Sponsoring

I've decided to try something new starting in January.  I'm going to start Swap Sponsoring!  What's that?  I promote myself on your blog and you promote yourself on my blog.  This will give us both a chance to meet new people.  Also, consider it free advertising. 

You get a 150x150 space on my sidebar and in exchange you place my button on your blog as well.  I will also do an About You introduction to my readers. Sounds like fun right?

If you'd like to swap ads/buttons, please email me at decoratingcentsblog@gmail.com.  I will need the button code for your blog and the info on what size button you need from me.  I will probably only do a few blogs a month, so let me know before spaces fill up.

I make my buttons in Picnik.com.  Here are some tutorials if you need any help.
How to Make a Blog Button
How to Make a Blog Button
How to Make a Blog Button

Look forward to hearing from you!


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