Glass Hurricanes

You may remember my version of Williams Sonoma's glass hurricanes I did back in the fall.  The hurricanes stayed on the table but I removed the leaves.  You can see below where they were still in one piece.

Well, they don't look the same.  I took them off the table to clean them one day and the candle holder on the bottom of one popped off.  I had always wondered if I could remove the bottom without breaking them.  I guess I got my answer.  Since the one came off so easy, I just popped the bottom off the other one as well.  The dried glue peeled off pretty easy.

I paired them with some smaller vases to give the table a clean, simple look.

I think I like this look better.  Maybe I'll add some greenery to the table.  What do you think?


  1. I have wanted to do that with some hurricanes for a while now but I'm having trouble finding the right size for what I want. Greenery would look great! Your table is so pretty!

  2. It looks clean and fresh, I've been sprucing things up a bit too. Maybe add a colorful table runner for a little summer pizzazz.

  3. Wrap some twine around those babies!


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