Bedroom Style Quiz

I've been looking through so many bedroom inspiration pictures, that I almost get confused on what look I'm going for. I think I have a transitional design style, mixing the modern with some traditional. I know I want our bedroom to be calm and soothing but have punches of color. I love our furniture and it's fairly new so I know we're keeping these pieces. I may find something I like one week, and change my mind about it the next. I show them to hubby and he just shakes his head because I am so indecisive. He told me to just make up my mind and do it already. Easier said than done. I found this bedroom personality quiz and decided to give it a try. My results: an escapist and a purist. I find it funny that both of these describe the feel I want. With the escapist, I want my bedroom to feel like an escape with neutral tones and earth tones. I think I've decided on tan walls so that will be a great backdrop fo...