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Happy Friday good people! We've been trying to take in as much fun as we can over here since school starts back in two weeks ! We took a trip to Myrtle Beach for the 4th of July. We needed a break from th e everyday and t he kids loved it. Have you heard th at Joanna Gaines has a furniture line? It has started being carried in American Signature Fu rniture. I love that store. Our sectional and living room sofa are both from there. Th ere is only a limited selection right now but I was interested to see what pieces were being sold. I did n otice that some of the pieces a re a little pricey. I love this wing chair . I'm thinking how great six of these would lo ok at my dining table. This table is a nice piece. It would be a great foyer table and the color is perfec t. This daybed is gorgeous! I know for sure my daughter would love this. H ere are some other items i n the line that are av...