Trends: Painted Rugs

This week is painted rugs.  I have yet to do my own for fear of ruining a perfectly good piece but these girls make me want to do it.

Here are some great pieces I found.  

Adventures of An Almost 40 Year Old Intern painted this fabulous pink rug.

Sew Dang Cute Crafts made a beautiful trellis rug.

I love the brightness and bold pattern of this rug by Birdhouse.

Charm Home painted this rug for her child's nursery.

How cute are the footprints on this rug over at Happy Looks Good On You

I would happily take this striped rug made by Tatertots and Jello.

Love the zebra painted rug by J and J Home inspired by West Elm.

Pretty Handy Girl painted a bamboo rug in a pretty floral all by hand.

Have you painted rug?


  1. Wow, those are some impressive painted rugs! I don't know if I could pull it off and make it look as cute as those though.

  2. thanks for featuring my rug! you should totally try one of your own! a good friend of mine tried the one above and had great results:)


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