Let There Be Light

I finally found a chandelier I like.  It wasn't one of the options I showed you a couple weeks ago.  I just happened to be in Lowes returning another light when I saw this one.  It had the lines I wanted without being too modern.  You won't believe how many lights I had before actually deciding on this one.

I had the drum pendant from CB2 but once it was up (hubby held it up), I didn't think it fit the room.  It was a little too modern for me.  I didn't want something I would have to change again next year because I wasn't feeling it anymore.  I also think it didn't give off the amount of light I wanted for this room.  This light fits the room better and is more classic and can change with my evolving taste.

I also found some art to fit between the two windows.  It adds some red to the room.  Now if I could just find a round mirror I like for the stenciled wall

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Thrifty Decor Chick


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