Gold Dollar Store Chargers

Yeah, I know what you're thinking.  Chargers from the dollar store can't be that great.  But just look at these!

Better than what you thought you could get at the dollar store right?  I liked the beading around the edge and they looked fancier than most I've seen.  

I grabbed 6 and kept it moving.  I didn't intend to buy them here, I was going to try Michael's like I do every year but I was already in the dollar store when I happened upon these.  So glad I stopped in. 

I was online searching for table ideas and I came across these, Pottery Barn's Gilt Chargers.  Do they not look similar to my dollar store ones?  Theirs are made of plastic too but at $12.50 a pop, that ain't happening.||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_--_-

I got 6 chargers for $6 at the dollar store and 6 of these will cost you $75 at Pottery Barn.  That means I got 6 for half of one of theirs.  Score for me!

I plan on using these on my Christmas table that I'm working on.  Now I need white plates and napkins, which I can't seem to find any that I like.  Go figure. 


  1. Yeah, yours are pretty! I got some at HEB years ago for $2 each and I love 'em. I could always freshen them up with spray paint if I needed to. I'm headed to Dollar Tree today for a craft idea!

  2. Saw those at my local $ Tree this weekend also.


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