DIY Wooden Bead Garland

These bead garlands have been popping up all over the place. I've seen them in so many vignettes around blogland and I knew I wanted some. Thing is I never actually looked for them. It was something I knew I could make. Well fast forward a few months and that's exactly what I did. This was a super simple DIY. I bought two sizes of wood beads from Michael's. I bought the ones with holes already in them but they do carry more sizes that do not have holes. I wasn't in the mood to drill my own holes. I also bought some twine for stringing the beads. I laid out my beads how I knew I wanted to string them. I put the larger beads in the center and placed the smaller beads along the ends for a graduated look. I strung my beads onto the twine and spaced them out slightly so my garland would have some give to it. If not, the strand would be too stiff and not move much. I knotted the ends, cut the excess twi...