A Holiday Table

Hello people and happy Friday! Christmas is fast approaching. Can you believe tomorrow is December? Ahhhhhh! Slow down. I need to get started on my gift shopping. We said we're not buying the kids toys this year. They have way too many that they already don't play with. I wandered into Old Time Pottery recently to check out their new Christmas Store. They have aisles and aisles of holiday decor. It had been a minute since I was in and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I wanted to put together a holiday table this year. It's always fun to play around and make the table look pretty. We may not use this room very often, but at least it can look nice right? I stocked up on new plates and flatware. I don't think our flatware even matched at this point. They would get tossed in the trash by mistake or taken for lunch with leftovers at work and never made it back home. It was hard to find the exact same fork or spoon as the original set so it was all mis-matche...