I Can Do It Too

Today I received just the boost I needed to start on some projects.  Sherry over at Young House Love announced the Pinterest Challenge Fall Edition.   

I had no idea where I would start since I've pinned so many things on my boards.  I decided to start with one that was easy and free.  How can you beat those two in the same sentence?

I've started seeing these DIY scarves and have recently pinned several.  I knew I had some old shirts laying around that I didn't wear anymore.  The idea is to take an old shirt and remix it into a scarf.  Sweet!  Here are some of my inspiration pins.

Looks easy enough right?  So let's get 'er done!

Start with a t-shirt.

Cut the bottom hem off and also right under the arms.

Cut the mid section into strips.

Pull the strips.  They will curl up on the edges.

I saved a piece of the bottom hem.  I wrapped it around one of the ends and secured with a few stitches.

Not bad for free.  I do recomment using a shirt with no side seams though.  You can see my seams at the bottom.  The top seams are covered by the bottom hem.  I'll do this next time around.  I've got plenty of shirts that may fall victim.

Do you have some shirts you can remix?

Sharing with
House of Hepworths * Bear Rabbit Bear * The Shabby Creek Cottage * Delightful Order * The 36th Avenue * Frugalicious Me * Somewhat Simple * It's So Stinkin Cute * Fireflies and Jellybeans * Tales from Bloggeritaville * Momnivore's Dilemma * Making It With Allie * The Crafty Blog Stalker * Yesterday on Tuesday * Kissed by a Frog * 2805 * The Shabby Nest * Chic on a Shoestring Decorating * Roca and Company * Remodelaholic * SAS Interiors * Lovely Crafty Home * Home Savvy A to Z * Sassy Sites * Just a Girl * Tatertots and Jello * Homemaker on a Dime * The DIY Showoff * Passionately Artistic * Dittle Dattle * Under the Table and Dreaming * Making the World Cuter * Between Naps on the Porch * CRAFT * Mad in Crafts * Sweet Little Gals * A Diamond in the Stuff * My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia * Sugar Bee Crafts * Savvy Southern Style * DIY by Design * Clean and Scentsible * Blue Cricket Design * Young House Love * House of Earnest * Bower Power * Ana White * Sassy Sites * Remodelaholic * Thrifty Decor Chick * Seven Thirty Three *


  1. My tshirts are trembling in terror--who will be first!!! :)

  2. Love this! So fun to give old shirts some purpose!

  3. Very smart! You were definately up to the challenge.

    I appreciate your participation in Potpourri Friday. Many thanks!

  4. Oh wow, that is really cute!

  5. Looks great! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday.


  6. I have been wanting to make one of these too! Thanks for the motivation. I love the way yours turned out. Beautiful! I'll be pinning this oh and glad to find you at the tt&j linky party btw ;)

  7. I like this a LOT! Where I live scarfs are purely accessories since it doesn't get cold here. And I find some scarves to be SO bulky...this is the perfect accent minus the bulk.

  8. I have a purchased necklace that I think is made the same way only the manufacturer wrapped small beads around it too. I wore it yesterday and got so many compliments on it so I am sure you could do the same thing with your necklace. Just adds a little something but yours is great on it's own, just the same.

  9. now that the weather is getting colder those are starting to look realllllly comfy.....

  10. I love this! I have been wanting to make a scarf, maybe the infinity scarf, this looks so easy and inexpensive! maybe while homework is getting done I can cut up a shirt:)

  11. I love how simple the scarf looks! It's not in your face overpowering like some scarfs! Great tutorial and really cute scarf :)

  12. Simple and gorgeous :)

    Love for you to link up at:
    "Made by ME" Linky Party at JAQS at http://www.jaqsstudio.com/2011/11/made-by-me-5-linky-party-and-features.html

  13. Oooh love it! Pinning....


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