We've Got a Desk

So we decided we needed a larger desk to fill the space on the left wall.  There's an alcove that the desk could fit in nicely.  I searched Craigslist for something we liked but never came across that perfect piece. We had also been in Ikea looking at desks.  Hubby liked the glass tops where you could get the legs separate.  We stuck the idea in the back of our minds and kept moving.  

The Ikea catalog came several days later and I noticed the glass top was a part of a system that had interchangeable pieces.  I don't think it registered to me in the store on our previous visit.  It was called the Vika system.  You can mix and match the tops and legs.  I showed it to hubby and we made another trip to Ikea.  After looking through all the options, even re-visiting the glass top, we decided upon the Vika Amon top and Vika Lilleby legs.  Since the top was so long, we need to add additional support in the middle to keep it from sagging in the middle, a Vika Curry leg.

We headed to the customer pickup area.  We searched the aisle and bin number.  The piece wasn't there.  Maybe we're looking in the wrong place.  We asked an employee to check the item number.  Out of stock!  Are you kidding?  We finally agreed on the same pieces, and you're telling me it's out of stock.  Won't be in until Monday, he says.  A little disturbed, we agree to come back the following weekend.  Ok, fine.  This will give us a chance to measure the space and see if it will even fit.  No, we didn't measure before going to the store so we were taking a chance.

The following weekend we head back hoping the pieces aren't sold out again.  I check the slot and yes, they're here.  We also grab a floor mat before checking out.  Once home, we put the legs together and laid the table slab on top.  Perfect fit.

Office plans:
paint the walls
new desk
shelves above the desk 
create a small sitting area
new chair
add a rug
wall art
window treatments

There has to be a way to hide these cords!!  Any suggestions?


  1. My mom always sewed little covers for any of the cords in our house. Just take a 4-5 in wide piece of fabric and sew the ends together. Turn it inside out and you have a cute simple cover that matches the rest of the room.

  2. That looks great! Cords are so awful, we bundle them up the best we can but they're always a little visible. Nice job!

  3. I dye some bias binding and wrap up the cords, but making cord socks sounds like fun to


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