A Rug For The Office

I just happen to be walking through Target (I love that store so I'm in there at least once a week) when this season's merchandise was being clearanced out.  I love red signs so I had to hit up home goods.  I had me eye on a few rugs for a while so I go through just to see how low the prices were.  I found one I looked at the week prior but this time it was marked down 75% to $12.48.  Yeah!  I guess is pays to be patient sometimes, well it saves to wait.  Ha!

I think this is a subtle print and will look great once we add some colorful accents and window treatments.  One more thing to cross off my list.  Now I need some chairs to go with my rug.

Office plans:
paint the walls
new desk
shelves above the desk 
create a small sitting area
new chair
add a rug
wall art
window treatments


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