Meet Your Friends Party

I like meeting people and making new friends so I decided to host a Meet Your Friends Party.  This is a chance to get to know your fellow bloggers better and meet some people you may not have known before.  The party will go until February 4th at midnight.  Create a post about you and your blog and link it up here.  There is a button to attach to your post. 

Some questions to help you get started:
Why did you start a blog?
What is your blog about?
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
What do you do when you're not blogging?

Welcome to the party friends!


  1. Love this idea! Will be scheduling this in for next week.

    Also, can I just say your blog is so awesome. We just moved into our home in May and of course it is still a work in progress. I'm soaking up the ideas...


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