Memorial Day Festivities

I'm ready for the long weekend ahead. So excited to get an extra day off to be with the fam and just relax.  I'm thinking barbeque on the grill and a lap around the pool.  

Here are some last minute projects to do before the arrival of your guests.  I haven't done anything.  White paper plates and plastic ware is how I roll.  Well, I may do a little something.

Wrap your water bottles

Add cute pinwheels to your drinks

Some yummy pretzel treats

Some decorations if you really want to go all out

Some simple table decor

Impress your guests with this strawberry blueberry trifle

This fruit and cheese tray is simple and adds color

I love these simple outdoor lanterns

Whatever you do this holiday, remember those who have fallen for us.

Do you have any big plans for the weekend?


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