Kitchen Command Center

Let me just admit it, I have too many pieces of paper floating around in the kitchen.  The drawer next to the refrigerator collects too many papers.  When coupons come in, they go there.  When I find recipe, they go there.  I need a way to organize papers, write down needed items, and post the weekly menu.  I made the dry erase menu a little while ago but I hated that is sat out on the counter.  I'm more of a less is more kind of girl.  So where could I hide all the stuff?  The pantry doors!

I bought a few frames so they would all match.  Using the same chevron background for each, I made a miscellaneous board, a menu board, and a notes board.

For the miscellaneous board, I painted some clothes pins and attached them with hot glue.  Now there's a place for coupons and new recipes I'm trying for the week.

The menu board is just like the last one I made.

The notes board is to write down items needed or other random notes.

I used Command strips to attach them to the pantry doors.  Now no more mess on the counter.

So much better.  I can close the door on this situation!  Ha!  Do you have a command center?


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  1. Linking up after you at Delightfully Inspiring Thursday - what a great idea here! Very cute - and also, smart to put it on the pantry door.

  2. I love this, what a great idea to have all of this in one spot! I need to make something similar for my kitchen!

  3. I love seeing ideas for command centers!

  4. Love how you keep this hidden in the pantry and yet it's so accessible. May have to copy you on this one too!

  5. Very good ideas! I've got the menu board, but like you had, it clutters my counter somewhat. So I think I'll see if I can mount it inside a cupboard door. And I really like the clothespin to hold papers idea!

  6. Cool ideas! I love the organization of it all! :)

  7. this is much more organized than our command center! lovely :)

  8. Simple and functional! Thanks for sharing!
    Shara @ Palmettos and Pigtails

  9. I totally need to do this! I am featuring this on my blog tomorrow! Thanks for linking up to Classy Clutter!

    XO, Mallory @ Classy Clutter


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