Decorating Cents Is Turning One!

On Thursday my blog turns one.  It's hard to believe that one year ago I published my first post.  Time flies when you're having fun huh?  I had no idea I would meet so many great people and complete so many DIY projects.  When I first started this blog, I didn't think anyone would want to hear what I had to say, but you came.  This was just a way for me to document my home projects and vent when the hubby didn't want to listen to my ideas.  Thanks to you all for allowing me to share my ideas.  I certainly enjoy doing projects and reading about your projects too. 

So we're celebrating all week long.
- A giveaway
- I'll share a few things I've learned this year
- Q&A session - ask me anything and I'll try to answer them all in a post later this week.  Be as random as you want.  It can be personal or blog related.  Put your questions in an email to me or in the comments below.

Thanks to all of my fabulous readers!



  1. Happy Birthday Decorating Cents Awesome Blog!!! And many more years of Awesomeness!!! Thanx for your fun ideas. I really have enjoyed them. I'm sure I will continue to! CELEBRATE ON!!! :)

  2. Happy Anniversary Andrea! So nice to meet you during your celebration. I spotted your blog over at Decor & Harmony! Looking forward to following you and sharing. Hope you get a chance to stop by for a visit and party with us. : )

  3. Happy Blogaversary, Andrea. Wishing you much success in the coming year.

  4. Happy Anniversary! You've completed some great projects in the past year and I love following your pins on Pinterest. Keep up the good work!

  5. Congrats on turning 1! How exciting :o)

    I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks for being so inspiring to me (and I'm sure many other bloggers) every single day! Congratulations!

  6. Happy blog-birthday! Thanks for commenting on my blog, I'm so happy it led me to discover yours-I'm a new follower!


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