Take That West Elm

I love getting the West Elm catalogs in the mail.  So much inspiration and drool worthy stuff in there.  I was looking through one day and noticed these baskets.  

In the picture they have them holding plants.  Pretty neat idea I thought.  Seeing that they were $99.99 a piece, I moved on and didn't dwell on them too long.  We were in West Elm one day and they were on sale (don't remember how much) but I was still finding it hard to pay so much for a basket.  

I had seen something similar in Target also.  They were $39.99.  Not too bad, but still more than I wanted to spend.

Well guess what?  I found my basket in Target on clearance for $19.99.  I'm still debating what's going in it.  I was thinking a large plant like West Elm's picture or just some extra pillows and blankets instead of shoving them in the closet.  I love the pattern and woven texture.

Found any good deals lately?  Target has lots of good stuff on clearance right now.



  1. If we can stay patient, all of our favorite stuff will eventually go on sale or clearance... nice buy!

  2. Love the basket and I think a place to for throws or pillows is a great idea!

  3. Ha! I've had the same thought process and stood in front of those baskets at Target yesterday wondering if I should buy them or not. I am just not sure where to put them so I passed on it but might go back today because they won't last long at that great price!
    Come by A Baker's House to enter my first giveaway for an iTunes gift card!

  4. Sweet find! I really like the idea of a plant in it!

  5. Let me know what you decide to do with your basket--I snagged the only one left at our Target today (and ON CLEARANCE, too!) after seeing your post. Thanks for enabling me! LOL!


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