Year In Review 2013

Hey good people! Hope your Christmas was merry and you are re-cooperating from all the good food and family gatherings. I am still digging my way out of toys. Looks like a daycare exploded in our house. Let's just say some new organization methods are needed. We've just been enjoying each other and relaxing until it's time for the kids to go back to school. With a few more days of 2013 left, I thought it was time to roundup my favorite projects of the year. The biggest project of the year was the completion of my son's nursery . It was filled with so many DIY's like the striped wall and the color blocked curtains. With the arrival of my son, we wanted my daughter to feel extra special so I made a Big Sister Kit especially for her. The addition of the Board and Batten in the foyer made a big difference in the entryway. The living room accent wall got a new coat of paint. A...