Bathroom Sneak Peek

I am so close to finishing the hall bathroom.  I have just a few more items to add before I can call it done.

As you can see, I didn't go with any of the shower curtain options I showed you before.  Hopefully I'll have a full reveal for you next week.

Have a great weekend!

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Tatertots and Jello * House of Rose * The Shabby Nest * Thrifty Decor Chick *


  1. I like that curtain... I wish I could find a rug in that pattern!

  2. I really like your choice of pattern in the shower curtain. It's a great design with just the right balance of white and color. I am in a similar situation...searching for a shower curtain. It seems as those it has been like hunting for a zebra. The shower curtain is the vital element to my bathroom and I want to find something I really love. I am re-invigorated now knowing that you finally found yours!


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