Two-Toned Kitchens

A few years a ago we painted the kitchen cabinets.  We took the cabinets from a light maple color to a dark espresso.  The dark cabinets totally changed the feel of our kitchen.  I love dark cabinets and to me they are so modern.  Not to say white kitchens can't be modern but the dark has always appealed to me.

If you're like me, you love a variety of kitchens: white, dark, gray, and in between.  Every time I see a kitchen with a different color palette than ours, I'm a little intrigued.  I often wonder how different our kitchen would feel with a lighter cabinet again.  The combo I have been loving recently is the two-toned kitchen.

These are some that I could do with a slight color change to the island.  I would love to change up the kitchen but don't want to go through the hassle of re-painting ALL the cabinets.




Then there's the gray and white combo.  I love them!  I think it's the fresh white mixed with the calm gray that does it for me.  It would take a complete do-over to make my kitchen look like these.  If I even mention it, my husband gives me that look like, "Don't even think about it."  We both can remember living with a torn apart kitchen for a week.  Not fun.

Then there are the kitchens that have used non-traditional colors but turn out so beautiful.

Gorgeous right?  Which is your favorite combo or are you more of a one color all over person?

You're reading Two-Toned Kitchens by Andrea, originally posted on Decorating Cents.  If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Andrea on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin, and Hometalk.


  1. The two toned idea I am loving is the dark counter top with the contrasting light island counter top.

  2. Hey there, beautiful kitchen! If you had to choose a white paint colour that matched your cabinets what would you suggest? I am painting my cabinets and trying to find the right white. Thank you !
    Kitchen Cabinet

  3. What a beautiful kitchen! You are definitely an inspiration for me while I try to style my own home. Thanks for sharing..


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