A Couple Of New Chairs

Say hello to some new members of our house.  I had been eying these chairs on Target's website for a while.   

I originally ordered these but once they were assembled and in the room, it was too much blue and not enough contrast.  I returned them and ordered the white ones instead.

I almost didn't get the new chairs because they were always out of stock.  For a couple weeks after Christmas, I was stalking checking everyday to see if they were in stock yet.  I love the mix of colors on them.  They blend perfectly with the rest of the house and will allow me to add more color into the living room.  I used the fretwork pillows from the family room to pull out the blue.

We're thinking of adding a small sofa or love seat to add more weight to this space.  I wanted to go with just the chairs, but they are too small by themselves.  What do you think about a red or blue sofa?  Did you notice the room is painted now?  And yes, we need another area rug. 


  1. Oh man, I am in love with those chairs. Kudos for stalking them for so long!

  2. I agree with the area rug. We have them all over the house. Just an idea...instead of a sofa, why not two more chairs? My realtor is a great decorator and at her house she has four chairs arranged around a coffee table and it looks so fabulous. Very intimate and ready for conversations. They aren't arranged as if two opposing groups were going to sit there, but angled one to another, if that makes sense. Love reading your blog. Impressed with your ability to do tile work, too!

  3. Hi Andrea, I just found your Blog Through Evolution Of Style and Love your House! We are in the process of redoing are house and I Love the Color of these walls. Can you tell me What Color They Are? Thank You so Much Pepi

  4. hi andrea! just discovered your blog and i just love what i have seen! i think a red couch would be fantastic! can you tell me where you found the fabric for your new chairs? its just what i have been searching for !

  5. hi again andrea! after i left my comment, i saw you purchased these from target and guess what! they have the same fabric in pillows! just what i am looking for! i thought maybe you would like to know that too in case you wanted some matching pillows for your couch! thanks!!

  6. I am loving your chairs!!! Can't help you much on the sofa because I am a little partial to red at the moment. I think either would be great!


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