DIY Elephant Mobile

I was going back and forth on whether I wanted a mobile for the nursery. Sure they're cute and all but I don't remember my daughter being over excited for hers when she was a baby. I was doing a Pinterest search for nurseries and came across several DIY versions. There is this one with just circles that is cute. source I also happened to come across this one. It was the same concept but used elephants instead. I love it and it totally goes with the bedding. source I knew I could make my own version. (p lease excuse the night time photography) I headed to Michael's to get some scrapbook paper and an embroidery hoop. I found an elephant shape that I liked online, printed it out, and traced onto my scrapbook paper. When tracing, I made two mirror copies, one for the front and one for the back. To attach my elephants to the string I layed right side down and put a drop of glue with my ...