Decorating For Renters

Hey folks! Are you still stuffed from all the turkey and dressing yesterday? I am. Too much good food in one place. We've got some leftovers so I plan on diving in for more. I want to talk about renters today. Many people are renters. I remember my first apartment with my husband. It was pretty plain and I wasn't into the design thing then. I think I could have cared less about what was on the walls. Maybe it was because we were renters. We did have a red sofa though that I loved. Being a renter can deter a person from decorating. But why? Where we live is our home and it should be decorated to our taste. You want to feel like you when you go there at the end of the day. I thought it would be fun to put together a room of affordable pieces for renters. Most treatments need to be temporary so they can be removed at the end of the leasing period. So here's where you start. Y...