Favorites of 2016

Can you believe only one more day of 2016 left? Where does time go? Christmas was great and the house is filled with new toys and excited kids. I tried something new this year and used the traditional red in my Christmas decor. I really like it. I like to go back and see what all I've accomplished over the year. Let's re-cap projects of 2016 shall we? The biggest was probably my son's room makeover . I love the DIY engineering print I put on his wall. I replaced the shelves above his dresser with a photo gallery. My husband and I took a leap and opened an Etsy shop . More gr eat prints are coming in the new year. I started my daughter's room makeover this year too! The walls have gone from green to gray and some minor changes to the room like gold polka dots have made the room feel girly and g lam . It's taken me a little longer than I planned but I am 99% done. We've been in ...